Welcome Family

Alpine School District’s Summit Programs are designed to serve students who are in the custody of the State of Utah as well as non-custody students who are ‘at-risk’ for educational failure – meaning they have not succeeded in other school programs. 


2024 Graduation will be held at Mountain View High School on May 23rd at 4:00pm
or it can be viewed online
at the link below:

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News and Announcements

Mountaineer Minute

Happy December! The school year seems to be flying by so quickly. We have completed term 3 and are in term 4. With the end

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Mountaineer Minute

Happy October! We have completed another term and with the autumn season in full force, we have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather. At lunch, our “backyard”

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Mountaineer Minute

Welcome to another year at Summit. Those of you that have been involved with Summit in the past know that the Mountaineer Minute is our

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Mountaineer Minute

Happy end of April! The weather is finally turning warmer, the trees are budding, snow melting. It’s a beautiful time of the year. We are

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Mountaineer Minute

Happy February! We have been rolling through the school year. We are over 100 days into the year with only 65 school days until graduation. 

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Alpine Summit Program's Guiding Principles

Mission Statement

The mission of Alpine Summit Programs is to save and improve lives through education and caring relationships.             

Summit Theme

The most difficult climbs are the most rewarding.

Spirit of Summit

Help someone else to the top!

Summit Motto

Home of the Peak Performance